Accessibility: partially compliant

Valeo is committed to making its web site accessible in compliance with article 47 of law no. 2005-102 of February 11, 2005.

What is digital accessibility?

An accessible website is one that allows people with disabilities to access its content and functionality without difficulty.
An accessible site makes it possible, for example, to:

  • Navigate with text-to-speech and/or Braille (especially used by blind and visually impaired people).
  • Customize the display of the site according to users’ needs (increase or decrease text size, change colors, etc.).
  • Navigate without using the mouse (with the keyboard only, or via touch screen, voice control or a suitable device).

To achieve this, the site must comply with the standards in force when it is created and updated.

Accessibility statement

Valeo is committed to making its websites (Internet, Intranet and Extranet), software, mobile apps and digital street furniture accessible in accordance with Article 47 of French law no. 2005-102 of February 11, 2005.

This accessibility statement applies to

Compliance status

The “” website only partially complies with the RGAA (France’s General Accessibility Improvement Guidelines) version 4.0 due to the non-conformities and derogations listed below.

Test results

The compliance audit carried out by Atalan in September 2020 and the counter-audit carried out in November 2020 on the production version of the site reveal that it meets 89% of the criteria of RGAA 4.0.

Non-accessible content


List of non-compliant criteria:

  • 1.1 Does each image containing information have a text-based alternative?
  • 1.8 Each text image containing information should, in the absence of a replacement mechanism, be replaced by stylized text if possible. Is this rule respected (except in special cases)?
  • 3.2 On every web page, is there sufficient contrast between the text color and background color (except in special cases)?
  • 6.2 On every web page, does every link, except for anchors, have a heading?
  • 8.7 On every web page, is each language change indicated in the source code (except in special cases)?
  • 8.9 On every web page, tags should not be used solely for presentation purposes. Is this rule respected?
  • 10.11 For every web page, can the content be presented without using both vertical scrolling for a window with a height of 256px or a width of 320px (except in special cases)?

Derogations for disproportionate workload

  • The PDF documents available for download are not fully accessible.
    Making all of these already available documents accessible would represent a substantial amount of work. Therefore, Valeo will provide an accessible version of these documents on request. To obtain an accessible version of a document, please contact us via one of the means available in the “Feedback and contact” section (available further down this page), stating the name of the document concerned.

Content not subject to the obligation of accessibility

  • The “reCAPTCHA” badge (spam protection system).
  • The interactive map of Valeo’s worldwide locations.
    This map is currently not accessible to screen readers and not fully accessible to keyboard navigation. However, the list of locations is also available in table form on a dedicated page.
  • The YouTube video player.
  • Videos released before September 23, 2020.
    Some videos have accessibility problems (lack of subtitles and/or transcriptions, insufficient contrast of titles, etc.) However, they are exempted because they were published before September 23, 2020. Valeo is looking into the possibilities of improving the next videos that will be published on the site.

Preparation of this accessibility statement

This statement was issued on November 4, 2020.

Technologies used to create the website

  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • SVG
  • JavaScript
  • ARIA

Test environment

The content playback checks were performed with the following browser and screen reader combinations:

  • Firefox 82 and NVDA 2020.2
  • Internet Explorer 11 and Jaws 2020
  • Android Talkback and Chrome 86

Tools for assessing accessibility

  • Color Contrast Analyser
  • Firefox development tool
  • Web Developer (Firefox extension)

Pages of the website that have been checked for conformity

Feedback and contact

If you are unable to access any content or service, please contact the site manager who will provide an accessible alternative or offer the content in another form.

  • Please message Patricia Martinez, Digital Communication Manager, via the contact form.


You should follow this procedure in the following situation:
You have notified the website manager of an accessibility problem that prevents you from accessing any part of the content or services of the portal and you have not received a satisfactory response.