Valeo Group | 26 Jul, 2022 | 2 min

Co-optation to Valeo Board of Directors

At its meeting held on July 26, 2022, and on the recommendation of the Governance, Appointments and Corporate Social Responsibility Committee, Valeo's Board of Directors unanimously decided to co-opt Alexandre Dayon as an independent director. Alexandre Dayon will replace C. Maury Devine, who resigned from her office effective that same day. He will serve out her remaining term of office, i.e. until the end of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting convened to approve the financial statements for the year ending December 31, 2024.

The Board of Directors thanks C. Maury Devine for her exceptional contribution to the Board and its specialized Committees since she was appointed as a member of the Board of Directors on April 23, 2015.

Alexandre Dayon will also be a member of the Strategic Committee.

A French and American entrepreneur, Alexandre Dayon is currently President and Chief Strategy Officer of Salesforce. Salesforce is an American cloud-based software company listed on Nasdaq and headquartered in San Francisco (United States). Alexandre Dayon’s experience in the digital and software sectors, and more generally his knowledge of new technologies and related strategic issues, strengthen the Board of Directors’ skill set in these key sectors which have an increasingly significant place in Valeo’s strategy. With a career – mainly in the United States but also in France – characterized by the successful creation and development of companies, Alexandre Dayon brings to the Board of Directors his vision of what an entrepreneur and a senior officer should be.

The co-optation of Alexandre Dayon as director will be submitted for ratification at Valeo’s next Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting.

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