Innovation / Products & Technology | 8 Jan, 2019 | 3 min
  • #OpenInnovation

Valeo Voyage XR: teletransportation in the vehicle cabin

In a world premiere, at CES 2019 Valeo makes a test track demonstration of its solution to allow a person to virtually ‘enter’ a vehicle.

To make the best decision when operating an autonomous vehicle remotely, it is essential to know what is happening inside the vehicle. This is exactly what Valeo Voyage XR does. The solution makes it possible to virtually transport a person inside a vehicle. This innovation has led Valeo to imagine a unique experience: teletransporting your loved ones on board.

Thanks to a wide range of technologies developed by the group (cameras, sensors, telematics, human-machine interface …), Valeo Voyage XR creates the illusion that a person of your choice, located outside the vehicle, is by your side. The individual’s avatar appears in the rear-view mirror and you can both interact using sound and image in real time.

The remote traveler meanwhile enjoys an immersive experience thanks to a helmet and virtual reality controllers. In addition to its enhanced safety features for remote-control driving, Valeo Voyage XR opens the door to a whole new world of experiences inside the vehicle.